Eng. Antonio Buono had the pleasure to be interviewed by Dr. Lucia Ottavi for the blog and magazine "THE COURAGE OF WOMEN", on the issues of sustainability in construction. Below is the link to the interview: https://www.ilcoraggiodelledonne.it/index.php/rubriche/coraggio-impresa-e-cultura/item/399-la-buono-costruzioni-sfida-il-futuro-con-l-innovazione...
The Eng. Antonio Buono S.r.l. enterprise took part in the exhibition of the Italian Cultural Institute in Edinburgh with the ceramic plates designed and realized by Craig Coulthard and Elaine Shemilt, inspired by the pavement of Saint Michael’s Church, located in San Pietro Infine (CE), heavily damaged during the military operations in World War II.
This ceramic plates were exhibited in 2013 in the exhibition at the Italian Cultural Institute in Edinburgh.
The Engineer Antonio Buono S.r.l. enterprise had the pleasure to contribute to the publication of this text. Theater is an art of small miracles. One of these small miracles takes place whenever “Religion Triumphant” is staged in the tiny mountain town of Venafro, Italy, where the citizens have preserved it as a living form of sacred theater to express their devotion to the Patron Saints that are at the heart of the town’s identity.Written in 1792 by Giuseppe Macchia “Religion Triumphant...